Significant water and energy savings

hot water system from any device, anywhere
Hot Water Controls That Save Water, Energy and Improve System Performance
innovative solutions
Optimize your hot water system with AutoHot controls. We have solutions for all types of buildings: Residential, Multifamily, or Commercial. New construction or retrofit. We are dedicated to researching and developing the latest hot water technology that saves water and energy, and improves the service of hot water.
Eliminate the wait for hot water at any fixture in your house by using AutoHot's on-demand recirculation pump system, and save thousands of gallons of water per year
Optimize your commercial hot water system and reduce total water heating energy use by up to 30% or more using the AutoHot Hot Water Energy Management System (EMS)
The AutoHot EMS can be installed onto your multifamily or commercial building’s central hot water system at low or NO cost...
Remote Monitoring
Want to monitor your system remotely and manager energy use? Want to be notified when system failure occurs? AutoHot has you covered
AutoHot Systems
See what system is right for your
home or business, including:
Demand controlled recirculation systems:
Eliminate the wait for hot water in any plumbing system by using on-demand recirculation pumps. Works with any tank, tankless, or heat pump water heater, in any plumbing configuration
Temperature modulation controls:
Turn any commercial water heater or boiler into an economizing smart system that reduces fire time and saves energy
Remote monitoring:
View your hot water system performance data in real time and analyze historical trends. Set up alert notifications to tell you when there are system failures or remind you of preventative maintenance schedules
Building Energy Code Requirements
Central to a high performing hot water system is a demand-controlled recirculation pump. Building energy codes and performance certifications are now requiring that buildings that use hot water recirculation pumps must also have demand controls to help regulate the system run time for reduced energy losses. Using and specifying the AutoHot system will help your building meet these code requirements and ensure efficient hot water delivery in any application. Look for these requirements in such new building standards such as: California Title 24 (part 6), International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), The Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) program, LEED for Homes v4 and others.
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