AutoHot ASPE Trade Show Booth

Efficient Hot Water Delivery | Redefining On Demand Recirculation for the Plumbing Industry:

AutoHot is redefining what on demand recirculation and energy efficiency means and how easy it can be added to any type of plumbing system.

Recently, at the The 2024 American Society of Plumbing Engineers Trade Show, ASPE Convention & Expo: Innovations in Plumbing Design at The Greater Columbus Convention Center, AutoHot showcased their new, highly sought after Under Sink Crossover System and activation methods for residential buildings. 

Despite the Undersink Crossover System becoming available in late November, builders, plumbers, contractors, and industry professionals are swarming to install it as soon as possible. 

Due to the fact that the original available stock in the warehouse depleted within 48 hours of arrival, another order of Undersink Crossover Systems are currently being manufactured. This has delayed the first public availability date.

We are excited to have this game changing technology formally launched at the ASPE conference, giving us the best opportunity to connect with the largest number of plumbing industry professionals in one place” Gabe Ayala, Vice President of Business Development.

The new Under Sink Crossover product will be unlike anything else in the space of hot water recirculation. It combines the efficiency of an on-demand system, with the ease of installation of more conventional, timer-based pumps. The system can be easily installed in any plumbing system without the need for a dedicated return line, or an outlet underneath the farthest fixture. 

Undersink Crossover Systems manufactured by AutoHot are the most energy efficient method of operating a recirculation pump available. At the ASPE trade show, the PHCP Pros team, Supply House Times and Plumbing & Mechanical | Contractors x Engineers all flocked to the AutoHot booth and were provided live demonstrations, resulting in numerous publications and requests for additional case studies on selected Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Homes.

AutoHot Under Sink Crossover Diagram

Public availability of the new Undersink Crossover System will take place in November 2024. Among the other items on the radar of plumbers, engineers, contractors and builders are the Wireless LED Rocker Switch and the Wireless Receiver Kit for Tankless Water Heaters.

The Wireless Receiver Kit by AutoHot transforms tankless water heaters with integrated Recirculation Pumps into energy saving on-demand systems. The Receiver Kit has been used by Noritz Tankless Water Heaters since 2022 and has helped shape the heart of the plumbing industry for delivering fast hot water that is both Title24 and IECC Energy Code Compliant. 


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For more information on the AutoHot Systems or for Distributor Pricing please feel free to Contact Us.